
Cairelle Perilloux

Cairelle Perilloux is a midlife maven with a love for magical living and seeking the truths that allow her to flourish and be her most authentic self. Her life journey is multi-faceted as one often finds in women of a certain age and, among other things, she is an author, integrative RN, wanderess of wild and holy places, and a priestess of bees, stars, and sacred roots. 

Cairelle's focus on exploring the motif of women in middle age stems from her own feelings of bewilderment and disillusionment as she began to travel the midlife path herself. Her need for camaraderie with other women on the same journey of discovery, and her desire to advocate, educate, and inform, led her to create this podcast.

When she's not riding a Mardi Gras float in her hometown of New Orleans or roaming the world in search of grandmothers, quirky art, and stone circles, Cairelle lives in a cozy forest cottage in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. 
